Wednesday, March 11, 2009

March 11, 2009

Ok, I suck at blogging. Who has time for this anyhow, and people with kids? Anyways, each day is a step forward, more like a sleeping zombie kind of step. I am getting tired of working full time and maintaining a clean house so that my babysitter does not know what I am really like. Jeff and I are still doing marriage counseling, just wish I could see some immediate changes :(! I often get a little depressed because everything feels like it is a struggle. We have been trying to concieve for over nine months and nothing. We struggle with every aspect of our marriage and with parenting. Financially, we are struggling to put every extra penny and dime toward paying off our debt. Then to tops things off Casey went back into the hospital, thank God for only a week. My grandma is in the hospital with a blood clot to both lungs and in her leg. Life is such a challenge, and it is so fustrating. Anyhow, the boys are doing well. Connor had his first soccer practice and absolutely loved it. It was so cold though, Casey was so miserable. Hopefully, if I am stuck with Casey it will be a lot warmer. Well it is almost 8:40 and I sound like an old fart but I am extremely tired and am excited about hitting the hay.

Monday, February 9, 2009

February 9,2009

Today seemed to go so quickly... too quickly. How I am dreading going back to work.... Some how, some time, I will finally get to stay at home with my kids, pray soon. The boys played real well today while I did some errands for dad. The stinking gas company is a pain to deal with if you don't have a bill in front of you. Anyway, the boys struggled to go down for a nap and Casey did not go down until almost 1 pm. Connor never really did take a nap. Connor taught Casey to say why, lovely. The boys got to go outside and play for a little bit outside, although it was still pretty cold. That did not get to play for too long since they kept getting into the rocks and dad is going to be mad when he sees what they did. They came inside and Casey was extremely upset about that. They had dinner and Connor informed me that he does not like the potatoes and that he should have to only eat the things that are his favorite. I laughed and said if you want anything else to eat everything has to be eaten on his plate. Needless to say, he did not getting anything else to eat for the night. They got a bath, in which Casey splashes horribly. He managed to get water up the side of my wall, so their bath was cut a little short. I read them a couple of stories, Casey only like the Little Engine That Could. Which gave me and Connor some quite time with his bible. Soon after they went to bed. Connor of course fell asleep within seconds. The little monkey on the other hand, is still up talking to himself. I imagine he well be asleep in the next hour, but not after getting out of his bed a couple of more times. Sneaky little man. Anyways, going to fold more laundry and watch heroes and chuck. Then off to bed and then to work. Please pray soon I can be a stay at home mom, it is really starting to wear at me! Take care and healthy wishes to all.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

February 8, 2009

Just started this blog. Thought I may could write my daily journals here for my boys, since I suck at their baby books. We had an interesting day today, since mom was sick with a sinus infection and dad was gone helping James a big part of the day. Casey was exceptionally clingy to Connor because he just loves to poke at Connor because how dare he touch him. Of course, Connor did not like that and complained of "he is touching me". Mom tried potty training Casey today, but he was not too interested. He however, got extremely mad about going back to a diaper after being in a training diaper. Both of the boys ate a lot of fruit, they could not get enough of it! So to help their poor little bodies mom distracted them with other food. Mom went nuts today and filled up almost 4 trash bags of toys. The boys were not cleaning after themselves, and Jeff was being cantankerous about helping with the housework, so just shoving everything in a bag was more practical. Connor was very hurt about seeing his precious toys going away. Mom informed him that for every week he continues to pick up his toys he gets to take back a bag of toys. We will see how this works:)! Anyways, enough on this blog. Mom is tired and I am going to bed... Night to you all!